The consortium constitutes a complementary and interdisciplinary group of researchers, covering the different scientific disciplines of the project, i.e., demography (Prof Masquelier, Prof Eggerickx), burden of disease (Prof Devleesschauwer), geography (Dr De Clercq), environmental health (Prof Bouland), and geospatial modelling (Prof Faes). The team will be complemented by two PhD students – one in demography, focussing on socioeconomic deprivation and inequalities (WP1, WP3), and one in environmental sciences, focussing on environmental exposures and policy scenarios (WP2, WP5). WP4 integration and WP6 stakeholder interaction will be joint activities.
Project partners
Brecht Devleesschauwer (project coordinator)
Sciensano, Lifestyle and chronic diseases
Brecht Devleesschauwer is senior epidemiologist at Sciensano and visiting professor in Risk Analysis at Ghent University. He conducts policy-driven public health research in the domain of composite measures of population health and health inequalities. Currently, he is coordinator of the Belgian National Burden of Disease Study and Chair of the European Burden of Disease Network (COST Action CA18218). Brecht holds PhD degrees in Public Health and Veterinary Sciences, and MSc degrees in Biostatistics and Veterinary Medicine.
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Eva De Clercq
Sciensano, Risk and health impact assessment
Eva De Clercq works in Sciensano’s Health Impact Assessment Unit. She has a degree in Biological Applied Sciences and did her PhD work on forest fragmentation at a regional scale. Since 2008, she works on spatial analysis and GIS for health, linking human health and the environment.
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Bruno Masquelier
UCLouvain, Center for Demographic Research
Bruno Masquelier is Professor of Demography at UCLouvain. He holds a PhD in Demography from Louvain University (2010) and an MSc in Sociology. He has specialized in the estimation of mortality in countries lacking full-fledged vital registration systems. He is a member of the Technical Advisory Group of the UN Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (IGME) and leads the work of this group on mortality in children aged 5-19. He is currently reorienting his research focus to mortality and health inequalities in Belgium.
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Thierry Eggerickx
UCLouvain, Center for Demographic Research
Thierry Eggerickx holds a degree in history and a PhD in Demography from the UCLouvain. He is currently Senior Research Fellow at the FNRS and Professor of Demography at the Demographic Research Centre of the UCL, of which he is currently the Director. His main research topics are the history of the populations of Belgium and its regions, internal migration, social and spatial inequalities in mortality and demography at the local level.
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Martina Otavova
UCLouvain, Center for Demographic Research
Martina is a PhD Candidate in Demography at the UCLouvain who is working on the research project ‘Multiple deprivations and health inequalities in Belgium’. She holds an MSc in Statistics in Epidemiology and Public Health Methodology from the Hasselt University (2018) and a certificate from the European Doctoral School of Demography (2019). Her research has focused on impact of lifestyle factors on health expectancies, and sex inequalities in ageing and mortality.
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Catherine Bouland
ULB, Centre de Recherche Santé Environnementale et Santé au Travail
Catherine Bouland is professor at the ULB School of Public Health where she teaches courses in the MSc Environmental Health and the Doctoral School of Public Health. Her research focuses on environmental exposures and their effects on health, with a specific interest in air quality, indoor pollution, noise, low doses and cumulative exposure, and environmental health epidemiology. She also works on the development and management of new systemic approaches to decision support for environmental health. Since April 2012, Professor Bouland has been head of the "Centre de Recherches en Santé Environnementale et Santé au Travail" at ULB.
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Bram Vandeninden
ULB, Centre de Recherche Santé Environnementale et Santé au Travail
Bram Vandeninden graduated in 2017 as Master of Science in Geography. He did a master thesis research about rural depopulation in Europe and built an agent-based model simulating the evolution of rural depopulation. After, he worked for 6 months as GIS consultant at the mobility department of the city of Ghent. From spring 2018 to autumn 2020 he worked at the Belgian Interregional Environment Agency, involved in various European projects related to air pollution and mobility, coordinating the subproject ‘Cleanest Air Route’ within the European Be-good project about open data. He also conducted scientific research regarding the spatio-temporal exposure to air pollution during commute and recreating for active road users (pedestrians and cyclists). From November 2020, he is doing a PHD related to the environmental burden of disease in Belgium at Sciensano and the ULB, in the framework of this BRAIN-ELLIS project.

Christel Faes
UHasselt, Center for Statistics
Christel Faes received the MSc degree in mathematics (2000) from the University of Antwerp and the PhD degree in biostatistics (2004) from Hasselt University. Her research interests include the statistical analysis of clustered and hierarchical data, spatially correlated data, multivariate data of mixed types and flexible estimation methods (pseudo-likelihood, variational inference methods, INLA) with applications in risk assessment, veterinary epidemiology, health surveys, and infectious diseases.
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